Midwest Student Movement
United Methodist Campus Ministers and Chaplains of the North Central Jurisdiction hosted the first gathering of the Midwest Student Movement, online on April 10-11, 2021. Students experienced networking with other students, attending spiritual growth and renewal workshops, hearing from pastor and author Nadia Bolz-Weber and speaker, worship leader, and activist Darren Calhoun, and worshipping together.
For more information, look on Facebook for @midweststudentmovement or Instagram @midwest_student_movement, or email ncj.umc.campusministry@gmail.com

Brainstorm & Spiritual Nourishment
Join other campus ministers, chaplains, and Wesley Foundation directors for some brainstorming, sharing of best practices, and spiritual nourishment.

Summer Institute Online 2020
Summer Institute 2020 is a unique experience for people engaged in collegiate ministry in The United Methodist Church and beyond! Register now to enjoy online webinars, workshops, and coffee/cocktail hours. Together, we will learn how to thrive in ministry during difficult and trying times, and offer encouragement for each other.
This event is co-sponsored by: GBHEM, UMCMA, The Georgia UM Commission, and Annual Conference Board of Higher Ed. chairs and staff people.